Is the Homeopathic Medicine for Constipation Effective?
Constipation means that an individual has three or fewer bowel movements in a week. The stool can be dry and hard. Sometimes it is also painful to pass. At one time or another, almost every person gets constipated. In most cases, it lasts a short period and is not serious. Homeopathy for constipation is an effective treatment choice recommended by healthcare specialists worldwide.
Symptoms of Constipation
Symptoms of chronic constipation include:
- Having hard or lumpy stools
- Straining to have bowel movements
- Passing fewer than two-three stools a week
- Feeling like a person cannot empty the stool from the rectum.
- Feeling as though there is a blockage in the rectum that prevents bowel movements.
- Need help to empty their rectum, such as using their hands to press on the belly.
Constipation may be considered chronic if the person has experienced two or more of these signs for the last three months. Homeopathic medicine for constipation is better than any conventional medicine.
Causes of Constipation
The following are the causes of constipation:
- Dehydration
- Abuse of laxatives
- Abdominal surgeries
- Excessive smoking
- Weakened pelvic floor muscles
- Not chewing the food correctly
- Insufficient fiber intake in the diet
- Major changes in life like old age, traveling, and pregnancy
- Psychosomatic causes like anxiety, neurosis, and depression
- Medicines, including certain antacids, diuretics, pain medications, & some treatments for Parkinson’s disorder
Homeopathy for constipation provides sustained relief and is free from side effects.
When Should Consult with a Doctor?
Call the doctor immediately if a person has sudden constipation with cramping or belly pain and cannot pass gas at all.
Also, make the call if the person has the following:
- Constipation is a severe problem, and lifestyle changes haven’t helped.
- One has blood in their stool.
- People are losing weight even though they are not trying to.
- Have severe pain with bowel movements.
- Constipation lasted more than two weeks.
- The shape and size of the stool have changed dramatically.
The doctor may recommend some tests to find the cause of constipation:
- Blood tests to check on hormone levels
- Tests that check the muscles in the anus
Homeopathic Treatment for Constipation
Homeopathy provides promising treatment for constipation. Chronic constipation results from different constitutional problems like altered sleep patterns, stress, etc. Homeopathy offers a treatment based on the patient’s case pattern. Homeopathy is highly suggested for all cases of constipation problems.
Homeopathy treatment for constipation is based on the internal causes leading to the development of constipation. In most cases, constipation does not need medication, but some food & lifestyle changes.
Homeopathic medicine for constipation distinguishes itself from the purgatives by not being habit-forming. Most laxatives are habit-forming, doing more harm in the end than stopping it.
Where to Get the Best Homeopathic Medicine for Constipation Treatment?
Excel Pharma is one of the leading manufacturers and providers of high-quality & best Homeopathic medicine for Constipation. One can buy Homeopathic Medicine for Constipation from there.
E-Constipation Drops (AKG-04) — E-Constipation Drops is the best Homeopathic medicine for constipation. It is helpful for habitual and chronic constipation problems. Constipation problems can be cured through this homeopathic medicine for constipation.
E-Kalmegh (AKG-62) — It is a homeopathic medicine that uses various liver and gastric problems like constipation, vomiting, nausea, indigestion, acidity, and flatulence. It helps in the general health of the digestive system of the body.
These medicines are helpful but should be taken only after consulting Homeopathic specialists. A homeopathic expert should decide on the necessary medicine for the person’s condition. One can get online and offline consultations. One can also order Homeopathic medicine for constipation at their registered address.